uses of internet,voip,voce over internet protocol

23 November 2009

Voice Over Internet Protocol aka VoIP

The Internet has brought a lot of wonders into today's lifestyle. The way we deal with long distance communication has never been this promising. Right now, telecommunication is possible through a lot of communication media apart from the typical telephone lines. With the advent in information technology, it is now possible to transmit large information files like voice and data over the World Wide Web.

One of the highly advanced communications technology today is the VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) also known as Internet telephony or voice over broadband. In lay man's term, VoIP is a voice messaging application that uses the Internet in the delivery of voice data via packet switched networks. Today, most businesses especially those in the call center industry are using Internet telephony instead of the standard telephone lines because of its many advanced leads. VoIP has a lot of dynamic features like the integration of email and system configuration making it easy to maintain the whole infrastructure.

Vocalocity is a company dedicated to Business VoIP services and provides a superior brand of phone technology for businesses. The company takes expertise into serving small businesses that have 50 or fewer employees. Visit their site to learn more abut their services.

Opponents of the public health insurance option charge that it would lead to a government takeover of all health care in this country. They say that private health insurance companies would be unable to compete with a competitor that would have unlimited access to the federal treasury.

They would have a strong argument if such a competitor actually existed.

The House of Representatives recently passed the Affordable Health Care Act for Americans. It is the counterpart of a bill which will be considered by the Senate. That act would make the choice of a public option available to individuals and small businesses.That option would have to play by the same rules as private insurers. It would have to abide by the same insurance reforms and consumer protections.

That public option would not have unlimited access to the federal treasury. In fact, it is mandated that once the public option is set up it shall be completely self-supporting. It would be loaned startup funds and that is the only financial support that it would receive.

The act requires that the startup costs shall be amortized into future premiums. (In other words, the money loaned to set up the option shall be paid back with interest.)

It is hard to believe that private health insurance companies cannot compete with a public option that is legally required to play on an even field and to have insurance premiums as its only source of income.


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