All India Pre-Veterinary Test(AIPMT) is an annual entrance exam conducted by Veterinary Council of India(VCI) for admission to 15% seats in Veterinary Colleges run by Union Government, State Governments, Municipal authorities in India(except for Jammu & Kashmir) for Veterinary Bachelor courses. AIPVT is therefore very important for all the students throughout India aspiring for veterinary bachelor courses.
Availability of Application forms for AIPVT:
AIPVT 2009 Online Application:
Fee of Rs.800/- for General/OBC Category Candidates and Rs.400/- for the SC/ST Category candidates may be remitted through a Demand Draft in favour of the “Veterinary Council of India – Examination Fund, New Delhi ” drawn on any Scheduled Bank payable at New Delhi.
AIPVT 2010 Offline Application:
(A) The Information Bulletin and Application Form can be obtained by post on payment of Rs 850/- for General Category/OBC and Rs.450/- for SC/ST category (including examination fee, processing and other charges) through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Veterinary Council of India- Examination Fund” payable at New Delhi on any Scheduled Bank from the office of
Veterinary Council of India,
‘A’ Wing, 2nd Floor,
August Kranti Bhawan,
Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi-110 066.
While requesting Information Bulletin and Application Form, the candidates should send:
Demand Draft (Cash/ Money order/Indian Postal Order/Cheque or any other form of payment will NOT be accepted. Demand Draft issued prior to the date of advertisement will not be accepted).
Two plain paper slips with name and complete address (in CAPITAL LETTERS) with Pin-code.
- Date of Entrance Examination: May 2nd week 2010
- Availability of Application Forms/Online Submission: January 2nd week-February 3rd week, 2010
- Last Date for receipt of completed application forms:February 4th week, 2010
- Announcement of Results: May End, 2010
A candidate should have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination with atleast 50% marks(40% marks for SC/ST/OBC) in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with pass in each subject individually. Those who are appearing for class 12th exams in 2010 can also apply.
Pattern of Examination:
The paper will be of 3 hours duration consisting of 200 multiple choice questions from the following subjects:.
- Physics-60 questions
- Chemistry-60 questions
- Biology-80 questions
For every correct answer a candidate will get 3 marks and 1 mark will de dedcuted for every incorrect answer. The syllabus of the entrance test will be from class 11th and 12th syllabus of CBSE.
The Controller of Examination,
Veterinary Council of India,
‘A’ Wing, 2nd Floor,
August Kranti Bhawan,
Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi- 110066.
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